FoodChain ID supports you with Organic Certifications in India
FoodChain ID, Registered as CERT ID India Pvt Ltd, is accredited by Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) which serves to National Accreditation Body (NAB) for NPOP having accreditation no. NPOP/NAB/0045 accredited for Crop Production, Processing and Handling w.e.f. 09.02.2024.

Everything you need to know about organic regulations in India
NPOP Standard
Visit the APEDA website to view the main standard (NPOP) for organic certification
FoodChain ID Regulations
How much does organic certification cost?
Fee structure for Organic Certification (NPOP)
Our articles on organic certification

Organic Foods and Labeling: Worldwide Standards Support Consumer Trust
FoodChain ID provides third-party, global certification for organic standards, including the USDA National Organic Program, EU Organic and other worldwide organic certifications through Bioagricert, a FoodChain ID company. Gul Basak […]

Organic Foods and Labeling: Worldwide Standards Support Consumer Trust
FoodChain ID provides third-party, global certification for organic standards, including the USDA National Organic Program, EU Organic and other worldwide organic certifications through Bioagricert, a FoodChain ID company. Gul Basak […]