- ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation Certificate (CRL 1226)
- ISO/IEC 17025 Scope of Accreditation (CRL 1226)
- Non-GMO Project Approved Laboratory Certificate
- Non-GMO Project Approved Laboratory
- Fambras Halal Certificate of Approval
- ISO/IEC 17025 Recognition Certificate – Rede Metrológica RS Brazil
- Scope of Accreditation – Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply – MAPA
- ISO/IEC 17065 Accreditation Certificate (OCP 0072)
- ISO/IEC 17065 Scope of Acreditation (OCP 0072)
- ISO 14065 – Accreditation Certificate (OVV 0022)
- ISO 14065 – Scope of Acreditation (OVV 0022)
United Kingdom
SO/IEC 17065:2012 Accreditation Certificate
Communication – Obligations of certified sites
In the event that the Client becomes aware of possible legal proceedings with respect to product safety or legality, the Client shall immediately make FoodChain ID Certification (FCIDC) aware of the situation. FCIDC in turn shall take appropriate steps to assess the situation and any effect on the certification.
In the event of changes that may affect the certification such as changes in the ownership of Client, Client’s relocation to a new facility, Client’s use of new processes or equipment, changes in organisation/management or other changes indicating that the Client may no longer comply with the certification, the Client shall inform FCIDC of the change immediately. FCIDC will thereafter outline for the Client the necessary steps to maintain certification, if possible.
Where stipulated by the certification Standard, clients are required to notify their current certification body of any product safety incidents within the timeframes dictated by the scheme owner.
Notification of any significant changes or product safety incidents should be communicated by email to
FoodChain ID encourage feedback on all aspects of our performance. If you would like to share your views of our service levels, whether, good, bad or indifferent please contact us. We try our best to proactively resolve any issues but in the last resort if you feel you must make a formal complaint, we ask that you put it in writing. We will investigate the situation and bring it to a resolution as quickly as possible. We guarantee to treat all complaints in a fair, transparent, and professional manner.
Feedback regarding the audit process can also be provided using the Survey Monkey questionnaire which is issued upon completion of the certification process.
We understand that clients attach great importance to their certification and occasionally disagree with the result or grade they achieve. Details of how to appeal against a certification decision are contained in your certification agreement or available on request. Appeals are considered by an independent panel of industry experts.
If you have any questions in relation to the above then we are open from 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.
Please contact
Use of the FoodChain ID and Scheme Owner logos
As a requirement of ISO 17065, the use of the FoodChain ID logo is strictly governed. Use of our logo requires approval from FoodChain ID prior to use and must be formally requested. To request use of the FCIDC logo, please contact
Companies that achieve BRCGS certification and have no exclusions from their scope are eligible to use the BRCGS logo on site stationery and other marketing materials. Information and conditions relating to the use of the BRCGS logo is available on the BRCGS Website.
Accréditation et agrément
- Certificat d’accréditation BELAC FCID Testing Solutions ISO/IEC 17025: 2017
- Certificat d’accréditation BELAC FCID Certification_ISO/IEC 17020: 2012
- Certificat d’accréditation BELAC FCID Certification_ISO/IEC 17065: 2012
- Certificat d’accréditation BELAC FCID Certification_ISO/IEC 17021-1: 2015
- Certificat d’agrément AFSCA_FR
- Certificat d’agrément AFSCA_NL
Documents et procédures
FoodChain ID Testing GmbH is accredited according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025.
The accreditation process includes the assessment of our laboratories, the auditing of our quality management system and our work processes as well as the examination of employee qualifications. At the same time, a comprehensive review of the validation data for each of our accredited procedures is performed.
Bioagricert is accredited as a control and certification body according to the ISO 17065 standard by the Italian Accreditation Body ACCREDIA with registration number 0050PRD and is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural Policies according to Reg. 848/2018 with code IT-BIO-007.
Bioagricert is also accredited by:
- USDA for the control and certification of agri-food products according to the NOP standard
- MAFF for the control and certification of agri-food products according to the Japanese JAS standard
- SENASICA for the control and certification of agri-food products according to the Mexican LPO standard
- IOAS for the control and certification of cosmetic products according to the NATRUE standard
Bioagricert is recognized as a Control Body authorized by BIOSUISSE, IBD, NATURLAND, DEMETER, KRAV, ROC and many more. Request information here.